C U R R E N T   E V E N T S

Artists Against the Occupation
a multidisciplinary group exhibition
August 7 - September 7, 2002
Forrest City Gallery
795 Dundas St. E., London, Ontario
Tel: (519) 434-5875
Hours: Wed-Sat, 12-5 p.m., or by appointment: (519) 673-5000

Nahla Abdo, Ottawa, Ontario
Ron Benner, London, Ontario
Isabelle Bernier, Montreal, Quebec
Kerry Ferris, London, Ontario
Janice Gurney, Toronto, Ontario
Freda Guttman, Montreal, Quebec
Rawi Hage, Montreal, Quebec
Gita Hashemi, Toronto, Ontario
Jamelie Hassan, London, Ontario
Farhang Jalali, London, Ontario
Mai Masri, Beirut, Lebanon
Ingrid Mayrhofer, Toronto, Ontario
Jayce Salloum, Vancouver, British Colombia
Marcy Saddy, London, Ontario
Abdul Hadi Shala, London, Ontario
Dan & Mary Lou Smoke, London, Ontario
Jean Spence, London, Ontario
Larry Towell, Bothwell, Ontario
B.H. Yael, Toronto, Ontario
Mizuko Yakuwa, Tokyo, Japan
Sami Zubi, Ottawa, Ontario

A collective project of the Centre for Baalqisian Studies and the Companions of Qays
in cooperation with Creative Response and the Tokyo- based Artists' League
